The Child’s Voice (Norwegian, 2015)
In Parent Disputes in Court
The child’s right to participation is regulated in the Children Act §31 and in the Convention Article 12. The Children Act is designed to give the child the right to receive information and to express its views in connection with any court decisions regarding its personal circumstances of the filled seven years. Children under the age seven who are able to form views will also be informed and heard. This puts increased focus on the importance of views of the child appearing in a way that is both legal and child academically sound. Interests of the child shall always be essential for the implementation of parental dispute, also during the conversation with the child.
The film’s target audience are judges, lawyers and experts. The intended learning outcome is to create an understanding of the fact that the conversation with your child is important for the elucidation, and that those who speak with children in parental disputes will raise their skills and achieve greater confidence in the role.
Accompanying the film is a booklet with various topics for reflection and discussion related to the processing of parent disputes.
Length: 35 minutes
Norwegian National Court Administration