Europarådets konvention til forebyggelse og bekæmpelse af vold mod kvinder og vold i hjemmet, også kendt som “Istanbul konventionen” trådte i kraft den 1. august 2014. Nedenfor ses organisationen WAVE’s pressemeddelelse i den sammenhæng.
Pressemeddelelse fra WAVE
“The Istanbul Convention enters into force on 1 August 2014. This is an important milestone in the history of the Women’s Movement and much remains to be done to improve the situation of women survivors of violence and their children.
On the 1st of August 2014, the Istanbul Convention will come into force. For Women against Violence Europe (WAVE) and all of our Focal Points and Partners, the upcoming event is a tremendous accomplishment in the history of the Women’s Movement. The Istanbul Convention is the first ever truly comprehensive instrument at the European level which addresses violence against women. As of beginning of July 2014, 13 countries have already ratified the Convention, and 25 have signed it. The Convention’s coming into force is an important step, and strong implementation and commitment of member states is needed to effectively work towards preventing and combating violence against women and their children.